Hi everyone
As I think Jason mentioned at the meeting yesterday, we need to put together a small group to coordinate the call for proposals, and are looking for volunteers! We will be deciding what sorts of proposals to look for, what information we want people to provide, and reviewing the proposals that are submitted. Much of this work can be done via email/Google rather than in meetings, you’ll be glad to hear, so we will probably just need one meeting to get everyone’s viewpoints and possibly a wrap up meeting to prioritize which proposals to accept. Please can you let me know asap if you’re interested - ideally before our next meeting on September 22? Many thanks, Alice
Happy to help if I can be of any use, Alice.
Hi Alice, thanks for sharing and please count me in
I’m in - will do my best to add value to the group.
Thanks Peter, and thanks also @tesutherland and @g.grenier for volunteering just now too! Is anyone from APAC willing to help so that we have representation from all regions?
Hello Alice
I’m interested in helping out but have limited capacity at the moment. Roughly what sort of time commitment do we need to give or will it be as and when we can offer our time?
Best wishes,
Hi @jane.charlton - I’m hoping it won’t be too much of a time commitment. I anticipate one kickoff meeting (ideally next week - Doodle poll is out now), some help with getting the call for proposals out, reviewing a share of the proposals and, if needed, one additional meeting if we can’t agree asynchronously on which to accept. One option, which we already have a couple of volunteers for, would be just to help out with the review process - likely to be during early to mid November. Does that help? Thanks, Alice
@gabioshka @Suze @jane.charlton @psimon @tesutherland @g.grenier I’m organizing our meeting for October 9 at 9am ET as that works for all three of you who have responded so far. Hoping it will work for the others too! Look forward to talking then and thanks again for volunteering