Centralized vs decentralized information systems - issues of trust and control

This topic is for discussion for "Centralized vs decentralized information systems - issues of trust and control." To go back to this session in Cadmore, click here.

Hi - thanks to the presenters for their great . I wasn’t able to stay for the full Zoom session but have been thinking about the use of the terms “trustless” and “decentralized”. It seems that in the examples provided - Compost/Distributed Press, ConDIDI, Open Science Chain - the technology is distributed and enables innovation but trust is still centralized. For example, with Compost I have to register and trust Coil, With ConDIDI TIB is organizing it and I need to trust who is providing my identity wallet (I may be able to use that wallet on different sites, which is useful!). Are there any examples where there isn’t some centralization via registration or the technology being run by a small group of organization who know each other?

Resources shared during the discussion: