Game(s) as social event?

I’ve been thinking about the sort of social event that might make sense over a virtual channel, and one of them that I keep coming back to are games. Not necessarily video games, but I’ve begun collecting interesting/potential options for things like Trivia nights, board games, and even a sort of choose-your-own-adventure light RPG style game…all of which are designed for Zoom/virtual/distant play.

Here’s a few links, I’d love to get some feedback on whether y’all think this is worth continuing to pursue. (this one is a personal fav)

Series of ideas here:

If anyone has other suggestions, that would be great as well…but I’m super into the idea of a sort of conference-long trivia series, with a prize being given to the winning team of information professionals.



i like the trivia idea alot. also (though not public domain I guess) something related to Jeopardy. could be questions based on information industry history, products, themes etc. Not sure what others think but it’d be good to have a bit of fun since we can’t attend a magic show this year… if something like trivia ran over a course of days it could a way to keep folks engaged …


I agree that games of some sort would be great! I personally love trivia/quizzes but I haven’t (yet) had a great experience with the off-the-shelf versions. We do a homemade family quiz monthly where we take it in turns to create and ask the questions and the scoring is done on an honor basis. It’s more work - and possibly not scalable! - but is my favorite version of online trivia so far…

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I think the good news here is that we could afford to pay for a service to design and run Trivia nights for us…


We’ve been playing remote games of Jeopardy at Digital Science quite successfully - the only problem is that the UK folks keep forgetting to answer as a question :wink: I’m sure the organisers wouldn’t mind us borrowing the basics for their slide deck if we wanted to. Otherwise, yes to quizzes and RPGs. I think these are great ideas and can take place any time of the day, with and without a drink.


Just as another thought. Not sure whether you would like to do a ‘charity’ quiz or anything for attendees and beyond, but I spent a LOT of lockdown doing Spectacular Quizzes, themed around all sorts of nerdery (Harry Potter was a fave). I don’t know whether they do quizzes for events, and I know they were raising money for through them, but they would be a fun bunch to potentially work with.


@nlagace and I are thinking of proposing a Standards Jeopardy session at PIDapalooza :slight_smile:


Amazing! As a former newbie to this world, I can reveal that a Standards round in DS Jeopardy taught me A LOT. Dublin Core, who knew?!


I definitely think that the trivia idea is worth pursuing.

Another idea possibility would be to run a few rounds of games in the Jackbox Party Pack series. I’ve had great fun with these! Although most of the games have a maximum of eight players, they have been catering to streamers for a while now, so they have robust options for “audience participation”.

My favourite game of theirs is called Fibbage:

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Lots of good ideas in the replies for us to pursue…well done.

I’ve seen a lot of suggestions for these! I’m curious to try a few to see how they work/flow in a large group, though…But yes, these are exactly the sort of thing I’d love to experiment with.

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