This topic is for discussion for "Multilingualism in scholarly communications." To go back to this session in Cadmore, click here.
Great session with @clarkj @calamur and @JasminLange today! A number of possibilities emerged and some distinct overlap with the NISO Plus 2022 Bibliodiversity in transition: how open infrastructures support multilingualism (or not) - thanks @GGrazevich and @vincent.lizzi for inputs on the ideas raised and all who indicated interest in the possibility of taking these forward.
Rudimentary list of possible projects here:
JATS committee best practices collab - e.g. essential tags to capture all info about a translated scholarly pub
Linking English articles to another language translation and vice versa - for language alone or mutliple formats?
*Language standards by country - pull in funder and national mandate dimensions? Ref Heslinki Initiative progression re: research assessment
Real-world impact of using any standard - how to engage and educate, as well as implement, how do we know it’s working? The people to implement the standard and persuade others to come along…
What can we learn from controlled vocabularies - GoTriple got from 14 basic concepts (using Frascati classifications) to 2500+ concepts to build up the multilingual vocabulary for the platform
This is great thanks @KathBurton15 - just tagging @suzanne.dumouchel @jfnomine plus Pierre Mounier and Abel Packer from the session on Bibliodiversity too.
Great, Alice! And congrats to all for a great Bibliodiversity session. @suzanne.dumouchel the brilliant GoTriple work is inspiring!!
Thank you! It was a pleasure! Always available for discussion !
Resources shared during the discussion:
- Research Article from ScienceOpen:
أثر برنامج تدريبي للأطفال المعاقين سمعيا من زارعي القوقعة الإلكترونية في الأردن
في تنمية اللغة الاستقبالية والتعبيرية // The effect of a training program of
hearing-impaired children with cochlear implants on the
development of their receptive and expressive language - Crossref documentation: Structural Metadata
- Blog Post: Easy to find multilingual research on ScienceOpen
- GoTriple: Search Resources and users in Social Sciences and Humanities
- Annif: Tool for automated subject indexing and classification