Multilingualism in scholarly communications

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Great session with @clarkj @calamur and @JasminLange today! A number of possibilities emerged and some distinct overlap with the NISO Plus 2022 Bibliodiversity in transition: how open infrastructures support multilingualism (or not) - thanks @GGrazevich and @vincent.lizzi for inputs on the ideas raised and all who indicated interest in the possibility of taking these forward.

Rudimentary list of possible projects here:

  • JATS committee best practices collab - e.g. essential tags to capture all info about a translated scholarly pub

  • Linking English articles to another language translation and vice versa - for language alone or mutliple formats?

*Language standards by country - pull in funder and national mandate dimensions? Ref Heslinki Initiative progression re: research assessment

  • Real-world impact of using any standard - how to engage and educate, as well as implement, how do we know it’s working? The people to implement the standard and persuade others to come along…

  • What can we learn from controlled vocabularies - GoTriple got from 14 basic concepts (using Frascati classifications) to 2500+ concepts to build up the multilingual vocabulary for the platform

This is great thanks @KathBurton15 - just tagging @suzanne.dumouchel @jfnomine plus Pierre Mounier and Abel Packer from the session on Bibliodiversity too.


Great, Alice! And congrats to all for a great Bibliodiversity session. @suzanne.dumouchel the brilliant GoTriple work is inspiring!!

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Thank you! It was a pleasure! Always available for discussion ! :wink:

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Resources shared during the discussion:

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