Hi everyone, I am delighted to say that we now have a confirmed sponsor for the NISO Plus 2021 scholarship program - Digital Science (many thanks to @Suze for your help!). As mentioned at our meeting on Tuesday, we would like to put together a small sub-committee to help review the applications. We already have several volunteers from this year’s scholarship winners, and are now looking for 3-4 other members of the planning committee to help please. Ideally we would like to get good representation geographically and across the different stakeholder groups in our community (libraries, publishers, and vendors/third party service providers).
We’d like to confirm the committee members next week and invite applications starting the week of November 30. The closing date will be December 21 and we hope to have them reviewed by the week of January 4, meet with the committee at the end of that week, and inform the successful applicants the week of January 11.
It’s hard to know how many applications we’ll get - last year there were over 60, but around half were immediately disqualified for either not answering all the required questions or not being eligible.
I very much hope that some of you will be willing to volunteer to serve on this sub-committee, and would be happy to answer any questions you may have (either here or by email - ameadows@niso.org). Please can you let me know if you’re interested before our next meeting (November 17) if at all possible.
All, we could use at least one more volunteer for this please - ideally from EMEA and ideally not a librarian (librarians are just too good about volunteering ) - thank you!
Thanks for the reminder @ckramaiah - the applications close on December 21 and we are planning to have the review meeting the week of January 4 (I will send out a Doodle poll shortly for that). We have about 75 applications so far but only about 20 are complete. I’d be happy to share those now if people want to start reviewing them? And I’ll have the full list ready for you to review on December 22. I’ll email the full group (as not everyone is on the planning committee) and see what everyone thinks.
You may send to me whatever you have so that I will start doing so that will become easier rather than all going through one go.