Request for translation help

Hi everyone, as briefly discussed during yesterday’s call, we want to announce the call for papers in languages other than English, and are hoping that those of you who are multilingual can help please. I’ve created a brief English-language description in this Google doc (also copied below) and would be very grateful if you could either jump in with your translations there, or “claim” them here - ideally in the next couple of days so that we can publish the new web page early next week. I’d also be happy to draft some tweets in English for you to translate and tweet if that’s helpful?
Thank you!

For translation:

Call For Proposals

Have you got an idea for the NISO Plus 2021 virtual conference? We’re looking for session proposals on topics of interest to information professionals around the world — librarians, publishers, vendors, and others.

While NISO Plus is primarily an English-language event, we will also be happy to work with you to deliver your session in another language, if it makes the cut!

The closing date for submissions is November 13; please submit your proposals via this (or contact us directly if you’re unable to access Google).

For more information, please see NISO Plus 2021 Call For Session Proposals (English only)

Hi, Alice

I can translate it into PT-BR; can’t work on it right now, but will have it done by tomorrow.

Fantastic, thanks so much @carolina.tanigushi - tomorrow is perfect :slight_smile:

With thanks to @a.heredia we now have a Spanish translation too :slight_smile:

If useful, I can translate this shortest version as well. Woudl French be useful?

Yes please to both, thank you so much!

@nobuko - any chance you could translate this into Japanese as well please? Thank you!

Done! Inserted in the Google Doc :slight_smile:

Thank you so much Nobuko!

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with thanks to @chris and @gabioshka we now also have Chinese (traditional and simplified) and German translations up on the Call for Proposals page :slight_smile: