Scholarship application blurb to share

Hi everyone, as promised at our meeting earlier, here is some text that you can use when letting people know about our scholarship program. I’ve included a bit more details of what information applicants need to include (and will update the scholarship program page accordingly too). Please feel free to tweak this as needed - and thanks in advance for your help getting the word out to your community about this opportunity!

The NISO Plus scholarship program was created to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in the information community, as part of NISO’s ongoing DEI efforts. These scholarships are intended for anyone who feels that their voice and views are currently under-represented in libraries, vendors, publishers, or other parts of the information ecosystem.

Thanks to the generous support of Digital Science, NISO is now inviting applications for our 2021 scholarship program, which provides free registration to our annual NISO Plus conference (to be held virtually in 2021), as well as other opportunities to engage with NISO and our community.

Please use this form to tell us why you’d like to be considered for our scholarship program. As well as providing brief personal and professional information, you’ll be asked to tell us why you would like to be considered for this scholarship, including information about which aspect of the scholarly communications/information community you are involved with, as well as the different perspective you would bring as a participant in the NISO Plus community (for example, because your job function or demographic is typically under-represented, or not represented, at industry conferences).

Applications must be submitted no later than 11.59pm Eastern Time (US and Canada) on December 21, 202. All submissions will be reviewed by the NISO Plus Scholarships Committee, which includes representatives from the NISO staff, Board, Planning Committee, and current scholarship winners. We will notify applicants by January 22, 2021.

More information is available on the NISO Plus scholarships page; please contact us at if you have any questions.