Topics for Sessions at NISO Plus 2021

If there’s a topic you’d like to have a conversation about (in addition to listing it on the Google Doc - feel free to list it here and we can discuss!

Good discussion yesterday - will look forward to the “voting” that comes in on the ideas sheet for top three items… As I thought more about keynote speakers I think what was so effective about the 2020 closing speaker was that they were very thought provoking in terms of the social implications of the overall ecosystem. A talk that got everyone walking away with things to think about…

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Hello all!

Please go into the Topics Brainstorming document ( and rate/rank your top three ideas ASAP!


I did my best to make some choices on the document. More than the specific topics I picked it was the broad category areas that I also felt were important. I thought Accessibility, Resilience, and info Literacy were overall themes that would resonate well. As we mentioned in last meeting it would be good to go back to the recent surveys to see what were the strongest topics mentioned. Most of the group has not yet put any choices down so it would be good to see what others think,.

I agree with Peter - I feel as if there are certain areas that will resonate. But I am having a little trouble deciding on the specific subproposal. My areas as similar to Peter: Resilience, Accessibility/DEI, and Open Research Tools.